Abraham Lincoln | Biography, Childhood, Quotes, Facts, & Death

Abraham Lincoln Summary

Abraham Lincoln was the most popular President of America & played the most crucial role in ending slavery worldwide, including in America. But the struggles after which he achieved this position. It wouldn’t be anyone else’s thing other than him. Abraham Lincoln’s childhood was so poor that his whole family had to stumble from door to door to get a house from his father.

Abraham Lincoln did not even have enough money to send Abraham to school. Abraham studied from the books demanded by the people, and he started working as a laborer in childhood to feed himself. He lost his mother at the age of 9. There was a time in his life when he used to stay away from the knife and the knife because he was so defeated by himself that he was afraid that he might kill himself, but friends, if you do not give up, then the effort is not in vain.

People never lose. On the strength of his struggles, he won the election of the President of America. He overcame America’s biggest crisis, the American Civil War, i.e., the American Civil War, and ended slavery, so friends, let’s travel from poverty to the White House. We know in detail about the setter Abraham Lincoln.

Explore the full list of Presidents in the United States to understand their legacy and impact.

Abraham Lincoln’s Fun Facts

Abraham Lincoln - TS HISTORICAL
Abraham Lincoln The 16th President Of The United States
Born12 February, 1809, Sinking Spring Farm, Hodgenville, Kentucky, U.S.
Died15 April, 1865, Washington, D.C., U.S.
WifeMary Todd ​(m. 1842)
ParentsThomas Lincoln, Nancy Hanks

Abraham Lincoln’s Early Life

Abraham Lincoln was born on February 12, 1809, in Hardin County in the state of Kent, America. His father’s name was Thomas Lincoln, and his mother’s name was Nancy Lincoln.

Apart from Abraham Lincoln, he also had an older sister named Sarah Thomas, and Nancy had another son after Abraham, but he died in childhood. Lincoln’s father, Thomas, was a farmer as well. After two years of Abraham’s birth, due to a land dispute, the Lincoln family had to leave the place, after which, in 1811, they came to live at Knob Crick Farm, 13 km north of there and there.

They started working by making the land suitable for cultivation. Still, after some time, they had to face land disputes and again had to leave the place, after which, in 1816, the Lincoln family settled on the banks of the Oyu River in Indiana, where he started farming in the dense forest. Even today, his house and fields have been preserved as a memorial. Abraham Lincoln was sent to study in a school when he was six years old, but due to the economic condition of the house..

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He was forced to work in the fields by his father. His father also never wanted him to study, so Abraham had to leave his studies for a few days even though he did not want to, although he was very fond of learning whenever he took books from others. Time began to meet; in the meantime, an unfortunate turn in his life came when Abraham’s mother died on October 5, 1818; at that time, Abraham was only nine years old; after the death of his mother,

Abraham’s sister, Sarah, was only 11 years old at the time. After one year of seeing the house’s problems, Sara married a widowed woman. Her name was Sarah Bush Johnson. His three survivors were from the first. Abraham was loved by his stepmother more than his birth mother, and he never let him feel the lack of a mother. Sarah Bush also gave full support to his studies.

Abraham also considered his stepmother very much after becoming the President; he said in an interview that whatever I am today, all the credit goes to his mother. That’s why Abraham made a boat using the work of pride he had learned in childhood to support himself. He started carrying goods by becoming a boat carrier and working in people’s fields. After some time, he got a job in a shop and started getting some time for studies there. While living here, he began studying law on his own

While studying law, he found out that a retired barge who had many of Lowe’s books lived on the other side of the river. Let them read their collection of books, too. It was freezing in those days, but without any care, Lincoln dropped his boat in the icy river; after going a short distance, his boat 1 collided with the ice and broke. Still, Lincoln did not give up; he crossed the river, reached his house, and requested to read his books without college.

The servant was on leave, so he asked Lincoln to do his household chores, which Lincoln also happily accepted; he brought wood from the woods for the retired judge’s house and filled the water he needed. He used to do all the household work, and in the name of remuneration, he was allowed to read only the book, but Lincoln was much happier than this. After some time, he became a postmaster in a village, so people came to know him and started respecting him.

Lincoln had an intense hatred of the atrocities happening from the beginning and wanted to end the slavery system; with this idea, he entered politics and contested the election of MLA, but he had to face a crushing defeat in that election while contesting the election. He had also left the postmaster’s job, which meant he would have a lot of money.

Abraham Lincoln, although he used to stay away from women, at the age of 24, fell in love with a girl named Ruklez, but unfortunately, after a few days, He died of a severe illness. Everything was going against him in Abraham Lincoln’s life. There was a time when he was so frustrated with his life that he stayed away from knives because he was afraid that he might kill himself. At that time, one of his friends, Bowling Green, boosted his morale and got him out of depression. With the help of his friend, Lincoln again contested the election of MLA, and this time, he won the election.

After the victory, he was counted among the youngest MLAs, and gradually, he attracted the youth towards him. Now, he used to speak openly in the assembly, due to which he, too, started giving importance to his words.

The government had to obey him on the issue of making Springfield the new capital. Abraham Lincoln had now got a license to become a lawyer, and then he met a famous lawyer, Stuart. They started working together, but after working for a few days, Stuart left him. Abraham also failed in law because he was not charged with fighting the cases of people with low incomes and never fought a false case all his life, but he failed for 20 years.

Until then, he was an advocate because he gained peace of mind through that work. Friends, many stories of his advocacy days only pray for his honesty and gentleness. Lincoln and one of his associate lawyers once tried to occupy the land of a mentally ill woman. The case lasted only 15 minutes in court, after which the associate lawyer took the total fee from the woman’s brother.

The lawyer then happily told Abraham that the woman had paid the full fee and was very happy with the court’s decision. But Lincoln immediately said, “I am not happy that money belongs to a poor patient woman, and I would rather starve than take such money. If you want your fee, you take it, but return my share of the money to her immediately.”

Marriage of Abraham Lincoln

marriage of Abraham Lincoln - TS HISTORICAL

In 1842, Lincoln married a girl named Mary. Mary gave birth to four sons, one after the other, but of them, only Robert, born in 1843, could survive, and all the other children died in infancy in Lincoln in 1807.

The United States Competed for the Presidency of America and finally achieved the biggest success of his life by becoming the 16th President of America.On November 6, 1807, after becoming the Solvay President of America, Lincoln did essential works that were not only national but also international in importance. Lincoln’s most outstanding achievement was to lift America from the Civil War.

Death of Abraham Lincoln

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Abraham Lincoln Death

On April 14, 1865, President Abraham Lincoln and his wife were visiting a play at the Code Theater in Washington, DC, where John Bilkis, a famous actor, was shot and died the next day, April 15, 1865. Friends, we get this lesson from the struggles after Abraham Lincoln achieved great success. If we want to achieve anything, we must move forward with never-give-up thinking.

People also ask?

What is Lincoln’s most famous quote?

I am a slow walker, but I never walk back. I am not bound to win, but I am bound to be true.

How did he die?

He was tragically assassinated by John Wilkes Booth on April 14, 1865, while attending a play, just days after the Civil War ended.

Did Abraham Lincoln win any awards?

 Presidential Medal of Freedom

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