Republic day of India

Republic Day History, importance, and why is it Celebrates

Republic Day India

Republic Day 2022
Republic Day

We will talk about Republic Day, We will talk about some countries which are independent but not Republic We will talk about the difference between democracy and Republic We will talk about the history of the Indian Republic. We can say a country as a republic country if the topmost position of the country is of elected person & there should be a rule of law. In India topmost position of the country is of President and it is an elected position. In India, for rule of law, there is a constitution. Therefore India is a republic country. Let’s talk about some Countries that are independent but not republics, independent and Republic are different terms. Brunei got independent in 1984.

The topmost position is of Sultan which is not an elected person therefore it is a non-republic country. Present Sultan is Hassanal Balkaih. Bhutan is an independent country but the topmost position is the place of the Emperor. Which is not a selected person therefore it is not a Republic Country. The present king is Jigme Khesar Wangchuck United Kingdom’s topmost position is a place of a queen who is not an elected person therefore the United Kingdom is not a republic country. Although here is the system of a constitutional monarch.

 democracy and the public

Now let’s talk about democracy and the public. Simply we call a country democratic if the representative of the country is chosen by the people. And Republic I have already told you that the head of the state should be elected person. Now let’s take the example of Japan where the head of the government is the prime minister which is an elected position but the head of the country is Emperor which is not an elected position, therefore, Japan is a democratic country but Japan is not a republic country.

In the same way, let’s take the example of the United Kingdom here the post of prime minister is present but the head of the country is the place of the Queen. Therefore the United Kingdom is a democratic country but not a republic country. Now let’s take the example of our country India, In India head of the government is the prime minister which is an elected position and the head of state is President who is also an elected position, therefore, India is a democratic as well as a republic country And the same things written in our preamble that India is a democratic republic country.

Republic Day of India

Republic day of India

Now let’s move to know the history of the Indian Republic. Two dates are points to remember. 1st Constitution Day 26 November 2nd Republic Day 26 January & you all know our The constitution was enacted form 26 January 1950. so when our constitution was ready on 26 November 1949 then why there was a delay of 2 months and it was enacted on 26 January 1950? Why not come into effect on 26 November 1949? Behind this, there was a history let’s know it.

In 1928 Indian National Congress passed a resolution demanding dominion status from the British government. dominion status means India will get independent but it will remain under the monarch System of the United Kingdom. because of this resolution, there were two groups of people in your country. People like Subhash Chandra Bose and Jawahar Lal Nehru are in favor of full independence. Though people like Rardar Patel and Dr. Rajendra Prasad are happy with dominion status.

With the rise of the situation, Gandhi Ji play an important role and made consent between the two groups that if the British government will not accept the resolution we will announce full independence. Time of one year spends and there was no reply from the British government they denied the resolution saying ” India is not ready for dominion status”. Again it was the day on 31st of December 1929 when Jawaharlal Nehru hoisted the flag on the bank of the Ravi river in Lahore and said we will celebrate Purna Swaraj day shortly.

Then it was decided by the congress working committee on 2nd January 1930 to celebrate Purna Swaraj day on the last month of January 1930 and it was 26 January. Then on 26 January 1930, we all celebrated Purna To maintain the significance of this day our constitutional assembly decided To delay enact of the Constitution by two months & enacted it on 26 January 1950. On 24 January 1950, Dr. Rajendra Prasad had been chosen 1st president of India by our constitutional assembly & On 26 January our President and our constitution both came into power. & Then India becomes a republic country

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