Author name: Tanish Saifi

The study of the past is called history. Prehistory refers to events that took place before the invention of writing systems. Past events, as well as memorabilia, discoveries, collections, structures, presentations, and interpretations of these events, are all covered under the term “history”. Knowledge will be given, and all information will be given to you in both Hindi and English. You will get new information about daily history in our blog, in our blog we will upload the actual blog only after verifying the complete history. Our aim is to bring real history to you so that you can get good knowledge of history and help you in future.

anglo mughal war - ts historical

Anglo-Mughal War | Child’s War, History, & Timeline

Anglo-Mughal War, British Apologized for Child War The British stepped into India under the guise of traders and with the help of traitors, they captured the whole of India, following their most dangerous policy, divide and rule, and occupied the whole of India. But few people know that before winning over Nawab Sirajuddin-Dola and Tipu

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Akbar the Greatc Facts

Akbar The Great | Marriage, Battles, Facts & Death

Jalal-ud-din-Muhammad Akbar Summary Jalaluddin Muhammad Akbar was the 3rd sultan of the Mughal Sultanate, he is considered the greatest king in Mughal history. Even though the foundation of the Mughal Sultanate in India was laid by Zahiruddin Muhammad Babur, but the name of the person who strengthened the foundation of the Mughal Sultanate is Jalaluddin

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